Mini Video Course Opt-in Page

This template has been created for mini video courses. The template was crated with Elementor Pro, a popular page builder for WordPress. The template uses dark background to accentuate the copy and the call to action buttons. The template features a visually attractive design, starting with the title in different formatting and color, an orange call to action button and a stylish image relevant to the topic in question. This s an opt-in template for your video course. As such we built it to be brief, simple and to the point. That is not to say that we skipped on the design part. We believe this approach is the best when to comes to persuading visitors to participate.   *This template is a part of Mini Video Course funnel/bundle.



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This template has been created for mini video courses. The template was crated with Elementor Pro, a popular page builder for WordPress. The template uses dark background to accentuate the copy and the call to action buttons. The template features a visually attractive design, starting with the title in different formatting and color, an orange call to action button and a stylish image relevant to the topic in question. This s an opt-in template for your video course. As such we built it to be brief, simple and to the point. That is not to say that we skipped on the design part. We believe this approach is the best when to comes to persuading visitors to participate.   *This template is a part of Mini Video Course funnel/bundle.