This template was created with Elementor Pro, a popular page builder plugin for WordPress. This particular template was designed for an individual offering guitar lessons. We built the template to be impactful and stylish, giving of artsy vibes.
After the header that includes standard contact info, the first block starts with a direct question asking the audience a simple question they probably asked themselves prior to coming to the website. This method is used to immediately establish rapport with visitors and hopefully converts them into customers. That is why we included a call to action button right off the bat.
Next, we have a brief overview of the lessons your visitors will likely be interested to learn. Keep it short and sweet. As part of the section and as this template is dedicated to learning a new skill we put a placeholder video so you can showcase your awesome talent for playing the guitar.
The following section offers a couple of options or categories for your guitar lessons. Here you can advertise different skill levels depending on your customers’ ability i.e. programs for beginners, advanced users or kids.
Meet the Instructor is your personal About You section. Upload your best picture playing the guitar and wow your visitors with a great copy. Say a couple of words about yourself like education, how you got into music, why you do it etc. This is a great way to create a bond with your audience. Say something funny even.
The following block is reserved for testimonials. This section is a staple of commercial websites and is a powerful tool for building rapport with your audience. Try to feature a balanced feedback, avoiding flashy and generic reviews.
The following block displays a four-step plan to you becoming a guitar player. As always, keep it short and simple when describing these steps. Only mention a truly relevant information, no one wants to read about playing a guitar, your words should make them want to start the sessions as soon as possible.
The last block is reserved for another call to action button set against a backdrop of an image showing someone playing a guitar. It’s simple psychology, but it works!