This template was created with Elementor Pro, a popular page builder plugin for WordPress. This particular template has been designed with financial agencies in mind, offering consulting services. Its sleek and modern design coupled with optimized and fast loading times offers high chances of converting your visitors into customers.
The first block starts with a charming image that immediately attracts attention and suggests what services you are offering. Accompanied by an appropriate title and a call to action button just under it, this first block will surely do its job of attracting your visitors’ attention and giving a gist of what to expect.
The following block is dedicated to a brief overview of the services you are offering. Provide a short and on point description of each service. The images provided will help your audience discern at a moment’s notice what is what.
The black stripe just underneath the second block is all about numbers. This is a perfect place to shamelessly brag about your success. Remember to put your best foot forward and focus on focus on facts that set you apart from the competition.
The following block is reserved for testimonials, companies and clients that you worked with you in the past and are satisfied with your service. Keep it concise and don’t forget to include the realistic commentaries as well as those that sing praises. This will help build trust and credibility.
Again, the stripe €œCompanies That Used Our Services€ is a great place to showcase the companies that used your services. Make sure to feature the most prominent ones.
The last block of this template is designed to sway the visitors to read the conversion copy once more and possibly click that call to action button and start using your services. It is deliberately designed in a vivid color so as to function as a last-ditch effort to convert the visitors and in sharp contrast with the rest of the template to be easily noticeable.