App Nudge Opt-in Page

This modern, attractive and fast loading template has been created with the Elementor Pro plugin. This template is perfect for your app’s free trial page. At the very start of the page in the first section the trial is being offered in exchange for the visitors’ email address. The strong call to action is purposely made obvious so as to incentivize visitors to opt-in as soon as they land on the page. The bright green stripe is a nice spot to emphasize the main features of your app and their problem-solving traits. The next couple of sections are devoted to going into greater detail about each individual feature or mentioning new ones for which additional information should be displayed. Each of these have a call to action button in case a customer finds a particular feature that resonates with their needs and decides to give the app a go. Likewise, don’t forget to include relevant images that help customers categorize features at a glance. The next block is another opt-in form inviting the visitors to start their free trial. It has been made clearly obvious by making the design a bit different, especially the color palette. The premium package section is a smart way to advertise what else your customers are missing out on by using just the free trial version. This is an opportunity to really drive home your selling point and persuade your visitors to convert by switching to the premium version. Save your best features for the premium version. The next block is reserved for testimonials. This is the most important technique of building trust for your brand and as such should always be present and paint a good picture about your product. At the footer we placed another call to action for a trial period, because there is no such thing as to many call to actions as long as they are evenly spread.   *This template is a part of the App Nudge funnel/bundle.



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This modern, attractive and fast loading template has been created with the Elementor Pro plugin. This template is perfect for your app’s free trial page. At the very start of the page in the first section the trial is being offered in exchange for the visitors’ email address. The strong call to action is purposely made obvious so as to incentivize visitors to opt-in as soon as they land on the page. The bright green stripe is a nice spot to emphasize the main features of your app and their problem-solving traits. The next couple of sections are devoted to going into greater detail about each individual feature or mentioning new ones for which additional information should be displayed. Each of these have a call to action button in case a customer finds a particular feature that resonates with their needs and decides to give the app a go. Likewise, don’t forget to include relevant images that help customers categorize features at a glance. The next block is another opt-in form inviting the visitors to start their free trial. It has been made clearly obvious by making the design a bit different, especially the color palette. The premium package section is a smart way to advertise what else your customers are missing out on by using just the free trial version. This is an opportunity to really drive home your selling point and persuade your visitors to convert by switching to the premium version. Save your best features for the premium version. The next block is reserved for testimonials. This is the most important technique of building trust for your brand and as such should always be present and paint a good picture about your product. At the footer we placed another call to action for a trial period, because there is no such thing as to many call to actions as long as they are evenly spread.   *This template is a part of the App Nudge funnel/bundle.